Athena (The Deadliest Catch) # 97-99

06/19/2014 13:22

Athena #97-99


     I have always lived by a phrase that was coined decades ago by some amazing genius, it’s simple, straight to the point and oh so true: “The easiest way to get over somebody is to get under somebody else”. I personally believe that the best rebound dates that you can go on, start with a handshake or a hug, and end with “Plan B”. Unfortunately, for the most part the girl I would “get under” was a complete train wreck and I would regret giving them the D that leads to plan B. I have endured a bevy of stalkers, slappers, biters, BDSM enthusiasts, secretly engaged, openly married, and worse. 

    I end up regretting the ending of a failed long term relationship. Most of the reason was that after being involved with a girl for a while I got used to certain things about that girl and what she likes in and out of bed. I got used to the fact that they know my body and how I like to do things, and i didnt have to try so hard to supress my sexual tendencies. A lot of the time it took a bit of guidance when getting introduced to a new girl sexually, and typically the 9's and 10's don't necessarily catch on to the things that I guide them to do....resulting in what I like to call: “Getthefuckoutofmyhouse-Imdonewithyou syndrome”. Unfortunately that syndrome is also an indicator that I had absolutely no interest in their personality at all and I end up mentally kicking myself square in the kiwis for showing her where I live….Dummy!!!

    This disease can easily be avoided by taking your standards down a notch or two. Instead of bringing home that smoking hot Mexican't or Mexiwon't chick. Take her friend the Mexi-can, or the Mexi-Lemmedothatforyou aka “The quiet, down to earth sober chick”. Sure, it might sound boring....I mean what the hell are you going to do with a sober chick right? Well, my friend; these are the best kinds of girls to take home with you. Everyone has heard the phrase “Watch out for the quiet ones”, or “It's usually the quiet ones that are freaks in bed”. I agree with that statement to a point. The one thing that is usually left out is that you need to pick a “quiet one” that is hanging out with one or more of the obnoxiously hot, loud chicks that demand attention. Once the quiet girl feels as though she is the center of your attention, she will want to brag to her hot obnoxious friend about the guy she went home with that had no interest in the obnoxious hot one(s). She will also try to make a point to be seen with you again. Furthermore; when the obnoxiously hot girl is slated to be present again, the girl that is slightly less attractive will pretty much do anything to keep you coming back.

    This tactic does take a little bit of psychological mastery. Not to say that you need to psychologically turn an acne laden heifer with a goiter farm growing on their neck into something cuter than a box full of puppies, you obviously can't fix ugly with your mind, not with alcohol, not with nothin. So, don't just pick the girl sitting next to the super hot girl just because she is the girl sitting next to the super hot girl. There needs to be at least a small spark of attraction. Now assuming that you have followed the 4 rules of a first meeting, get her to your place and make sure that you have pleased her however she likes it.....for as long as she likes it.


 4 Rules of a first meeting:


1) Let her do the talking. (There is nothing more in life that a girl loves more than talking about herself. Flattery is up there too but if you believe that a diamond is a girls best friend, prepare to spend a lot of time broke, and flaccid.)

2) Hang on to every word as if they were coming from God.                                 

3) Ask appropriate questions only when she is done talking.

4) Slowly make the questions more personal and sexual. If she starts asking questions back, and they are equally if not more personal/ sexual... Game mother fuckin on!! 



Q:  So, what If she brushes you off? 

A: You suck at this, go back to your pocket pussy and internet porn. You obviously can't aim lower than cattle.             Please don't actually fuck cattle!! They have standards too!!


    Inevitably after you have given her the business; she will want to return the favor(she better wan't to return the favor), and since you were such a good sport when you were playing with her, she will pretty much do whatever you want. Get into detail with what you like to do and let her know that it is “the best you have ever had”. After all is set and done, make sure you have treated her to breakfast and proceed to be a perfect gentleman. Then, make up some clever reason why you can't be involved in a relationship. Let her know that everything that she did was perfect, and felt amazing. This will later be relayed to the superhot Mexican't or Mexiwon't friend, and since girls are masters of detail and description; it will dwell on the superhot chick’s fragile little mind until she is given the opportunity to try it out for herself. By the time you have finally gotten the superhot girl alone for a one on one conversation, she has already convinced herself that she is going to make you squeel even harder than the quiet girl, because she already knows what you fine detail.


Game!....uh!!,  Mother, unnnnhhhh!!!! fuckin'!.... ON!    (*humps air madly and slaps invisable ass at hip level)


         Seeds like this are easily planted in the workplace, especially if there is a good ratio of girls to guys. Not to brag, but most of the tail I have gotten in the workplace, I didn't even have to work for. I just got really good at planting seeds...I'm like the Johnny Appleseed of Sequim, Washington.



Athena: Bad date # 97 (The Deadliest Catch)

    Athena is Eastern European. She is from Monte Negro or some such shit. She has dark olive skin, beautiful ocean blue eyes and a perfect body and smile. To be perfectly honest, I actually had no interest in her when I met her, because she was quiet and shy. She had this perfect little gymnast body and a shy almost awkward smile(which I love). She looked at me in a way that said, “I know something you don’t know”. She was a cocktail waitress and I was the bartender so our conversations were short if not non-existent. That was of course, until mechanical bull night at the casino we were working at. This is the one night out of year that all of the Bar and cocktail staff are allowed to dress up like a cowboy or a cowgirl during the event. This was also the night that it became abundantly clear that I had a thing for cowgirls....well, Athena at least.

    I had been successfully avoiding the dating world for several months now, and managed to save a considerable amount of cash in the process. I was still working on the 4 buildings that I had bought 6 or 7 months prior and had been living as a minimalist/ survivalist for the past 3 or 4 months after I rented out the main house to a group of 20 somethings.

Even though I had sworn off dating for financial reasons, there was also the fact that all of my free time was going into the construction of my 3 vacant buildings, and the burden of having to deal with landlord stuff like changing power outlets, fixing toilets, lawn maintenance and dealing with pesky tweakers that were stealing our community firewood. (I'm still patiently waiting for the day that our president declares a national bounty on tweakers....I will be a rich man someday)

    The fact remains that 2 of the buildings didn't have electricity or plumbing, so I was forced to live in the small mother-in-law apartment attached to the garage until the construction was finished on the 2 smaller buildings. Sadly my accommodations for this period in my life were just slightly more flattering than the likes of a solitary confinement Venezuelan prison cell. My kitchen was a mini-fridge on a sawhorse, my bathroom was a 5 gallon bucket in the garage, and my stove was a barbecue in the back yard that my sister got me as a housewarming present. My bed was no longer the plush California king sized bed that overlooked my beautifully landscaped front yard, that seemed to harbor every species of local bird all at one time. There were times when my mom would visit and we would step outside to the overwhelming cacophony of wild birds and lose count of how many species of birds were flying, bathing, and basking in my front yard. Robins, Doves, Hummingbirds, Starlings, Seagulls, Ravens, chickadees, Wrens, Woodpeckers, Flickers, Blue jays, Towhee, sparrows...the list just kept going. It was breathtaking. Although mom had her qualms about the situation...



    I hadn't even fathomed the idea of having company in my cell, let alone actually bring a date over. I was sleeping on a twin mattress on a bed frame that was made somewhere during the Triassic period, and I am a sprawler. The idea of dating made me chuckle a little bit because the accommodations were shabby even for me (who lived in a hut in Alaska with no electricity for 3 months). I couldn't imagine any girl would ever be impressed. If they were to ask where the restroom was located and I promptly pointed out the shitty 5 gallon bucket in the garage, or the Cedar tree in the back yard I would not imagine a standing ovation for deluxe accomodations.

Frankly I was just about as happy as a pig in slop living as a minimalist, but I still wanted some action. I figured that I would eventually meet a girl that had her own place so I could save myself the embarrassment of showing them where I live and my unfortunate living situation.

I played the scenario in my head...

Girl: Where is your bathroom?

Me: *points to small bush in the front yard. “Right there darlin', and don't forget to flush”


Well, I met my match on mechanical bull night. It may have been the first verbal encounter that I ever had with Athena.


Me: Daaaayyyyyyuuuummmm! Ride em cowgirl! I mean, ride ME cowgirl!

A: Haha, your weird!

Me: You are just about the foxiest little country bumpkin I have ever seen!

A: you aren't lookin’ so bad yourself cowboy.

Me: Why thank you Ma'am. *tips cowboy hat*


I stared her down, and she stared me down as I walked from the bar she was working at to the one I was supposed to be working at. We were both walking in opposite directions, but looking right in each others eyes. The club was bumping with a great live country band, so it gave me the opportunity to get really close to her. I turned around and got my arm around her lower torso so I could talk right into her ear.


Me: (In my best John Wayne voice) Ya know darlin’, there is a country bar not too far from these parts, where we could go for a line dance and whiskey.

A: By line dance do you mean cocaine?

Me: I reckon, I might. *winks*

A: I reckon, I might be interested.


    It was then that I made eye contact with my friend Max, who was smitten with this country bumpkin. I realized then that I was breaking the “Bro code”. Max and Athena had dated temporarily and Athena dumped him rather suddenly. She claimed that he was too permiscuous and she didn't trust him to be in a monogamous relationship with her, which made me believe that I would have repelled her instantaniously after she had heard about my stint with the 9 or so cocktail waitresses that I had pushed down before she even started there. Her relationship with Max was incredibly short, but Max was heartbroken over it. The fact remains that Max is a good guy and would have treated her well. I knew that if I moved in on this brazen little tart; Max would inevitably be pissed off at both of us. I gave her my phone number anyways, I had no expectations, and if something were to spark, I figured that Max would get over it...he is after all a bro.

    A few days had gone by and I randomly ran into Athena at the gym of all places...not because I was working out, but because I had bought a year-long membership there before the casino I was working at fucked up and screwed all of it's employees financially. I figured since I was forced to pay the fee,  I would least have a place to shower and take a shit without stinking up my garage. Since I was already there and had my workout clothes on, i decided to actually work out a little bit....Well, more like I pretend to work out as I was creating a spankbank portfolio with Athena's name on it. We only passed a smile and a wink, since we both had our headphones on.

The next day at work, we happened to be the only bartender and cocktail waitress on shift for the first couple of hours. The random gym meeting seemed like a pretty good ice breaker.


Me: So, what kind of workout regimen do you have?

A: I pretty much just do legs and cardio.

Me: Well I could show you a pretty good workout that forces you to use all of your muscles.


Athena looked me right in the eyes as I repeated slowly…


Me: All of your muscles.

A: oh? I might just have to get ahold of you then. *winks*


    A week had gone by and our conversation at work continued to be short if not non-existent. I kind of wrote her off, and it didn’t really bother me until one day when I was in the middle of a bar tending shift.

Athena sent me a text asking what my work schedule was like for the next week. I told her that I had Sunday off and asked if she wanted a workout partner. She replied: “something like that”. I was pretty sure at that point that she meant business.

We met up at the gym around 7pm. It was November so we went into the gym wearing 3 layers and had to change immediately. I had already promised tequila shots to Athena if she could get through the vigorous workout that I had planned for both of us.

    Athena had absolutely no issues with changing into her workout clothes right in front of me. It then became more and more apparent that Athena was becoming more and more my “type”. The gym was completely empty so it wasn’t like we were going to get kicked out for nudity. I actually started to fabricate a pretty solid pickup line to get her to join me in the shower for a private workout before our real workout….however I forgot it and instead; I stood their drooling over her body as she was changing and something childish and cheesy emitted my mouth instead:


“I would go straight up Human centipede on your ass”!


    For those of you who are not familiar with the Human centipede movies..... they are revolting. The first movie is about a German surgeon that is obsessed with the idea of literally sewing 4 humans together and making them his pet. These poor unfortunate souls were drugged and kidnapped to be imprisoned in the surgeons laboratory. He explained to them as a group as they were all bound to their hospital beds about his plans to sew them all together…. (ass to mouth). He would then establish the human centipede as his pet. The movie got relatively in depth about what measures would need to be taken in order to accomplish such a feat, including but not limited to the removal of their kneecaps to deny them the ability to stand, as well as picking 4 hosts that all had the same blood type so when their jaws were broken, their cheeks were cut down to their jaw line and their tongues were removed in order to get a fuller mouthful sewn onto the host link in front of them; their matching blood types would allow them to actually heal together as one being. A Human Centipede. The second human centipede movie was similar however; the second movie involved 13 people, no surgical instruments or sedatives, and it also involved one very graphic scene involving the result after a very inhumane amount of laxative had been injected into the victims. Inevitably, the laxatives worked in a timely manner, and within minutes all 13 victims had to shit something fierce. The poorly sewn ass to mouth stitching stretched the poor victims mouths over the victim in front of theirs’ asshole to the point where diarrhea was seeping through the cracks of the stitch work as the liquid shit packed into their mouths to the point where the unfortunate tail victim could no longer swallow the head victim’s shit any more.


    She chuckled at my remark, and if you the reader are wondering?..... yes, I would have been happy at that moment, having my lips surgically sewn to Athena’s asshole. I felt like Jim looking at Nadia the foreign exchange student in American Pie as she undressed. Perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect smile……perfect. I tried not to stare. I even looked away like a bitch when she dropped her undies down. On normal occasions I would have just been a stumbling stuttering mess, but for whatever reason I wasn’t nervous around her. I continued on with my valiant attempt at showing Athena a very rugged and difficult workout, whilst showing slight general interest in her on a personal level.

    During our text message conversation earlier, she eluded to the idea that she wanted a strictly physical relationship, however I like to think that I am a classy enough guy to at least show some interest in their personality even if it was our mutual understanding that we were just each other’s play toys for the night.

She explained that she had just gotten a degree in toxicology from Western Washington University. Which is second in line for hippiest degrees from the treehuggingest of hippie colleges, following closely behind a micro-horticulture degree aka the “grow better pot degree”. I poked a little bit of fun at her for her life choices, but she was not offended by my humor…which is kind of funny because even I am offended by my humor.


H: So you are into saving the environment then?

A: Ya, I feel like if everyone does their part, the world will be a better place to live for the future.

H: I agree, and I feel like I do my part as much as possible.

A: “Oh, what do you do to help the environment”? (She asked; smiling coyly as she looked right into my eyes with childlike wonderment.)

    I stopped lifting. I looked right back into her eyes.  (I spoke in a monotone voice that would have Ben Stein feeling like an over-caffinated crackhead)

H: I club baby seals with other baby seals to save the trees.



    I winked at Athena and expected a little chuckle. Athena was not impressed, in fact she looked scared.


    I took her around the gym and hit my usual machines and some free weights and showed her the workouts that I like to do. It became more and more apparent that she was losing interest in the workout regimen. I would show her the workout that I do, and she would do like a rep or two and say; “ok, I’m over it”. So, we went to the elliptical machines to wind down and talk about future plans for the evening as well as future plans for life.


    I told her about my experiences with playing in bands all over the U.S. My experiences with traveling, teaching music, and writing. I went off on my future plans to eventually become a great slumlord and own a night club called “Club Baby Seals” without trying to sound too braggy. She explained her plans to become a sugar daughter to a famous millionaire and figure out a way to genetically design puppies and kittens to stay small and cute.


    As it turns out Athena was already a sugar daughter to a semi-famous star of a certain discovery channel reality show. She was explaining the circumstances as we were getting dressed back up into our 5 layers of street clothes to bare the cold air. As it turns out, her sugar daddy is a little bit protective.


H: What would your sugar daddy do if he found out that I was on a date with you?

A: Kill you and use you for bait

H: Really?

A: Yup


As we sat down at the bar next door to the gym and ordered a couple tequila shots. My initial reaction to her claim was fear, but tequila was quickly ridding me of any guilt or remorse for our plans for the evening. I had met her sugar daddy at a celebrity meet and greet at the casino I was bar tending at. He was a rugged and rather intimidating guy. I would imagine that he could throw a punch like a freight train if you pissed him off good enough. This thought dangled in my head like a swollen uvula.

“If anything were to go awry with this little tart, my face may end up in the way of said freight train”.

I figured that I should be on my best behavior to avoid any conflict…however tequila got in the way. There was a guy at the end of the bar sitting quietly by himself; Well, that was until I started talking about the construction projects I was doing on my house. I would start talking about framing and drywall and crap. Then the guy started spouting about his drywall company and how well it was doing. As we were into our own conversation about home décor, John interjected about his “Professional career as a carpenter”. I started to conjure up a rather awesome “fuck off” plan.

“That’s great man, good for you” I said while still looking at Athena. We got onto the subject of music and the bands that I had played with in the past and most recently; the Pink Floyd tribute band that I had been playing the casino circuit with. Once again the guy at the end of the bar injected himself. “have you guys ever been surfing?” he asked with authority. “No” we both chimed back at him. He went off on some story about how he had just been surfing all day in the Puget sound…which is the equivalent of surfing on a lake…in Alaska.

Neither one of us were particularly impressed with his professional achievements, or his hobbies, nor were we impressed with the abundance of interjections on our private conversation. We were both rather annoyed. He continued to spout off about his vast experience in building some of the local “hot spots”. (One of them being the exact bar that we were seated at)


Hef: “Oh, built this place?”

John: Well, I helped work on the interior.

Hef: Well, it looks really good bro....I bet you made a pretty penny off of the deal.

John: Well, actually they haven't paid me yet.

Hef: ouch! How long has it been since you did the renovations?

John: 8 months

Hef: They aren't going to pay you bro.


He had that look in his eyes that was 50/50 fear and regret. He continued to explain that “you don't always win in these situations”. Apparently he had put over $100,000.00 into this building after materials and other hired hands that had helped him throughout the process. John went on to talk about all of the projects that he was involved in and the $100,000.00 hit was no big deal. I coughed the word “bullshit”, and Athena laughed. John started to get a little pissy and tried to get on me about my life’s accomplishments. I simply stated: “ bro, this isn’t a competition…plus you’re like 45”. “I’m 41 BRO!!”.he shot back. He had officially hit my breaking point. I was no longer interested in fucking Athena. All of my energy was going into fucking with this do shit filled douchebag. I have to humiliate this bastard immediately.

I sort of stole half of this idea from the late great Randy Rhoads, and embellished the rest. It's a game I like to call:


"The Drunk D.D"

I know what you're thinking, however; D.D. Doesn't always mean “designated driver”. Fabulous advances in drunk driving technology have become redily available for the general public. For example D.D.2 or the "Designated decoy".

A Designated decoy is the sober friend that has your back if your bar or club becomes infested with badge toting bacon. Some people think that when police officers crowd outside of a bar parking lot and start mass arresting people for DUI that it is entrapment and you can't get in trouble.  Some pigs will wait and pull you over the second you turn your key while actually in said parking lot.  The fact remains that if you get pulled over for a DUI and you are intoxicated....all fantasy aside, youre fucked. So, god bestowed upon us these wonderful friends that will go out to the parking lot and pretend to be drunker than 100 indians on Thanksgiving.  Once they have the attention of the 5-0 They get into their car and peel out of the parking lot, while honking. The trick is that peeling out and honking is not illegal, it just draws attention. The designated decoy will never actually go above the speed limit, he just doesn't waste any time getting up to the speed limit. When the red and blue pig lights peel out after him, the lightly buzzed sippers to the blissfully tipsy drinkers that have been left behind pile into their cars and drive in the opposite direction to avoid "bad bacon confontation" otherwise known as an arrest.

This was a whole new level of avoiding "Bad Bacon confrontations" In this particular case our new friend John had bragged himself into what I like to call...”The Drunk D.D.” (Better known as the “Drunken designated decoy".)

One thing I have noticed in the world of bar tending is that almost any man that drinks alcohol in front of attractive women cannot refuse free booze, especially if there is a challenge involved. So my plan was to get this schmitthead so schmittfaced that he: A) Would no longer have the ability to form full sentences (so he would hopefully stop trying to talk to us) and B) If he did have the inclination to drive, all I had to do was call the cops and tell them that some belligerent drunk was trying to drive from the bar and insinuate that we insisted that he shouldn’t drive before he left. This diabolical scheme kills two birds with one stone; It gets the obnoxious drunkard off of our backs, and gets the cops off of our backs at the same time. They will assume that everyone else at the bar is drinking and driving responsibly (if there really were such a thing).  To be fair…this is a move that you make on someone you actually hate/ dislike. Furthermore; if you pull this diabolical maneuver on someone that you can see anything positive in their psyche, or have the possibility of being friends with in the future…don’t do it!! You will feel like a dick for the rest of your life for getting someone a D.U.I.

In this particular case; I felt no shame. This hombre was a one-upper from the start. There wasn’t a single second within our conversation that I didn’t want to give him the ultimate wedgie drag him outside and leave him hanging by his underpants on the flagpole outside the bar for the world to laugh at. If you could polish a turd, this guy was the polish you would use. At no point in our conversation did we exclaim or even hint at the idea that we wanted anybody else in our conversation; especially some dude that is blatantly trying to steal another dudes chick right in front of him. I played the diabolical; I’m-about-to-fuck-you-over card as best as I could. I stayed calm and quiet as i It seems much easier with “fucking douchebags” for some reason.


Hef: hey bro, how bout I buy you a shot

John: oh hell yeah, I could take shots all night.

Hef: oh right on….a tough guy! I like it.

(Hef's brain: I'm going to humiliate this assbag so bad that he will have to change gender to save face)

Hef: Do you like hornitos tequila?

John: I love hornitos!

Hef: a double hornitos for the fine gentleman at the end of the bar! (I announced to the bartender)

John: oh thanks bro, are you gonna take one too?

Hef: NAH, im good.

Athena: I kinda want one now

Hef: okay….( aimed at metalhead Bartender named Jessie) Jessie! Would it be possible to hook this fine young lady up with a double shot of hornitos as well?

Jessie: Sure thing Hef!

Hef: right on, well lets hook john up with another double to wash down that last “little” shot of tequila.


Naturally the bar tender was offended by having me call him out on “short pouring” the last double that he guzzled. He proceeded to pour an unusually large amount of tequila into a pint glass and said “there ya go Hef, is that enough for ya?” “haha, it’s enough for me, but I’m not doing the drinking tonight. My new friend John is going to show us how it is done. I pointed to the end of the bar at john as he was gagging down the last shot that I Had forced upon him. He actually took the half full pint glass of tequila down like a champ. I don’t want to assume anything, but it felt as though he was just trying to impress Athena. He kept ranting about all his pro-surfing bullshit, and Athena was starting to converse with this assbag. I was pissed and it was time for war!!!!!

I took my beer into the bathroom with me, I drank half of it or so on my way, and then proceeded to piss in it while I held it over the urinal. When I returned, I left the ¾ full beer/piss cocktail in front of me until I convinced Athena to come over to my house and rent a movie that we wouldn’t even watch. The grocery store was directly across the street from the bar, and I had to make sure that the douchetron left before we did, so I planned to keep us in the store until I could see his truck leave. I was probably right on the border of the legal alcohol limit myself, but I didn’t want to take any chances…especially when I have the mother of all drunken designated decoys sitting at the bar trying to steal my date from me.

As Athena and I started gathering up our shit; I offered one more shot of tequila to the babbling bragster and offered him the rest of my “Beer”. “It’s, not the best beer I’ve ever had, do you want it bro?” I announced. "I fear no beer" the asshat mumbled. His eyes were starting to glaze over a little bit and his face was getting red….the last 5-7 shots of tequila were hitting him all at one time. The beer in front of him was down to the last few sips, so I dropped my pint of lukewarm piss beer right behind it as Athena and I headed to the door. I never did get a good look at his reaction through the windows of the grocery store, but according to Jessie; That douchebag swallowed every drop of the piss beer that I left in front of him right after he choked down that last double shot of hornitos. Jessie said that he had never seen someone go from bright red to bright white like that in all of his years of bar tending. Apparently this babbling terminal case of hemorrhoids spent the following 15 minutes puking up piles and piles of hornitos tequila, beer and piss everywhere but the toilet in the men's room. He made quite a mess before he stumbled out of the door of the bar and got into his truck.

I had cleverly brought Athena to the magazine/ book section of the store to keep her occupied as I waited for the cheese-dick bastard to start his truck up. I ducked around a corner and called 911.


911: 911, what is your emergency?

Hef: We are at Krush, the new bar in Sequim, Washington. My girlfriend and I just left the bar and some drunk guy was bragging about how much cocaine he had on him. Everyone there insisted that he should take a cab home but he wouldn’t listen and now he is getting into his truck. I’m worried about his safety and the safety of the other drivers on the road ( B.T.W. there were no other drivers on the road at 1:30am in B.F.E. on a Sunday night, but it created a sense of urgency.) I gave the 911 dispatcher a detailed description of the truck, and gave her the license plate number.


911: We will send someone immediately.

Hef: Thanks a bunch.


I could almost feel the devil horns trying to poke out of my forehead.


Athena and I were at the checkout booth of the grocery store as I saw the red and blue lights screaming down the old Olympic highway from the large store window facing the street. “Ok, Lets get going” I smirked. She had no idea what I had just done to John.

We had inadvertanly picked up a bottle of hornitos tequila (just in case we felt the need to drink more at my house). When we got to my joint I found out that Athena had a thing for Pink Floyd so I showed her a few Youtube videos that displayed my showboating techniques. One of which included a small segment where I mooned the crowd. She must have either liked the guitar playing or my butt, because within seconds we were making out in my dirty little cell. We started digging into the bottle of hornitos and making out at the same time. We were getting crazy with it. We even tried to take shots while in the handstand position…we failed.

 I don't know why, but  wasn’t expecting Athena to want to go all the way at first contact. I thought we would pussyfoot around it on the first date, but much to my surprise she just started ripping my pants off. I wasn’t even remotely aroused. In fact I was suffering from shrinkage from the cold air outside and overall drunkeness. There was nothing impressive about this situation. We were sweaty, drunk and I was a wet noodle. I was to the point of intoxication where there was no way to charm this snake until the morning. Unfortunately the alcohol made me feel superhuman so I tried to go through with it anyways. She worked on me like a porno fluffer with O.C.D for a while, but it didn’t even feel good. I was numb from the waist down. I tried to make up some lame excuse: “oh, wait! We can’t do this, I don’t have any condoms”. She got off of me and said “Ok, let’s go to the store”.

We drunkenly stumbled to the store a few blocks down my hill and went straight to the condom aisle. It dawned on me that we were almost out of tequila so I grabbed another bottle and we slapped the condoms and tequila on the counter while Athena was grabbing at my junk. The checkout clerk known as “Special Ed”. Gave us a good hearty chuckle and commented on our grocery list. “So, which one is dessert?” Athena and I just looked at each other and laughed.

We walked back in the 30 degree air all the way back to my little cabin. A certain someone or something was not that excited to be in the cold for that long. My wet noodle was now a cold, unimpressive macaroni noodle. Athena was not happy about this situation. She made another long winded attempt at waking the sleeping dragon…with her mouth. She crawled on top of me once it seemed hard enough to do anything with then as I reached for a condom the nights tequila bender mustered up a very solid gurp in my mouth. She started viciously biting my neck, shoulders and chest. She moved down to my arms and bit hard enough to draw blood. I was revolted, and writhing in agony. Not only was I too drunk and too cold to find sex interesting but now I have bite marks all over my body and vomit in my mouth so I couldn’t scream or tell her to stop without getting vomit all over my face, and the really fucked up part was that since I couldn't open my mouth all of the sounds that I was making sounded like I was just moaning really loud and actually enjoyed what she was doing, so she just kept going.....this was not going well. I had no choice but to swallow the acrid tequila vomit down and demand that she stop biting me and get the fuck off!

Naturally all of the work that Athena had done to get me ready for a little loving was all for not. I laughed out loud at the situation as she was straddling me, but Athena was not laughing with me. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!?!” she screamed. She was starting to throw a hissie fit like a spoiled 9 year old that child that was denied a trip to Chuck e Cheese on their birthday.  I didn’t flinch because I didn’t think in a million years that a girl this cute and reserved would ever actually punch someone, but Athena cocked her fist back and swung at my face with the force of a Brahma Bull. I heard the pop as her fist made contact with the corner of my eye and the top of my nose. It sounded like someone dropping a big rock onto cement, and I just saw bright lights and smelled adrenalin. I could tell that the first swing had cracked the cartilage in my nose. When I was hit in the nose this squarely (back in my back yard boxing days) it would bleed like a motherfucker and inevitably end the fight. However this time it did not, therefor there was no evidence of my pain so Athena kept swinging until I showed a sign of fight. I held her down by her wrists then climbed on top of her and pinned her legs down with mine. She was laughing at this point, which is a hell of a lot better than when she was swinging her fists at my face. I let her up and said: “It’s time to sleep”. She wasn’t having it and demanded that I give her a ride to her car. I didn’t have a problem with that seeing as how I was convinced that she was going to continue to keep swinging at my face. I didn’t want the night to end this way. The thought of her telling people at work what “Didn’t happen” would have been excruciatingly embarrassing…so as a consolation…


Hef: Wait Athena.

A: (As she was putting her underwear back on.) “What?!”

Hef: Before you go; “Can I test drive your Vulva?”

A: Huh? (she looked puzzled)

H: With my tongue?

A: (In the same smooth motion that she was pulling her undies up, she pulled them right back off as if I had just hit the rewind button on a VCR.)

Hef: (Oh thank god! Something I knew I was good at even when I was shitfaced. Hopefully she will take this as a consolation prize and we can just put the whole thing behind us)


I started making out with her and slowly moved down her perfect body. Now, I have been spoiled by attractive healthy looking vagina’s for most of my life, but this was something spectacular. This chick was Va-jazzled. It was the masterpiece of perfect vagina. I picked her up and landed her perfect vahoo directly onto my face. Athena proceeded to ride my face like a mechanical bull until she reached a very loud and very forceful orgasm. She was a squirter and she shot her fem-spunk right down my nose and immediately gagged me. I may or may not have gurped it right into her vagina as she was dismounting my face. At this point I don’t think either one of us really cared whether or not I upchucked into her lady hole . We were both strangely relieved.

We had a very silent drive back to her car and an akward hug goodbye. I went home and took a 4 hour tequila nap before I was faced with going to work and seeing her again.



Bad Date # 98


Since Athena and I worked together, I couldn’t avoid her. Despite the bite marks and the shiner she had bestowed upon me the night before, I had to be nice to her on a professional level, both because our behavior was being monitored by other co-workers (including but not limited to my friend Max) and also because she was still in constant contact with the Captain….who scares the shart out of me. I already had to conceal one black eye with some makeup that another really bad date left in my bathroom a few months prior. The last thing I need is for the Captain to come around a corner and blindside me in my one good eye for fooling around with his sugar daughter.

I never said a word to anybody about the tequila laden bloody vomitfest that Athena and I had. We joked around a lot and we were comfortable pretty much sexually harassing eachother in any way we could.

We started getting along on a more friendly level. I had a lot of fun with the cooks at the casino, and I had the ability to modify any food orders that I punched into the computer to them. Athena caught on to the fun and since she was a cocktail waitress she could send me funny messages through the computer with her drink orders.




I got a text message from Athena a few days later; asking for her sweatshirt and underwear back. I actually hadn’t noticed it in my room the whole time that this charade had been going on. I agreed to return it to her and with that message I had figured that our soiree was over.

3 nights later Max and I went to a comedy show with a few of our guy friends. Max had mentioned that Athena was going to be there with a friend, which meant to me that he was still in constant contact with Athena and because he was still in constant contact with her, he was most likely still smitten with her. He made no mention of Athena and I hooking up so I was pretty sure that she had stayed true to her word and kept it a secret. I continued to keep my arms and shiner concealed so I wouldn’t spill the beans.

Athena did in fact show up to the comedy show with a friend. Her and her cute blonde chick friend sat at the opposite side of the club from us and we didn’t make so much as eye contact through the whole show.

After the show was over I invited all of my friends that were at my table to my house for a bonfire/ BBQ. Everything would have been fine if Max hadn’t invited Athena without asking me first. When she showed up I basically ignored her the whole time. My guy friends and I passed an acoustic guitar around and played some songs that we wrote and a few covers. I was trying to divert any possible thought from anybody at the bonfire that anything physical could have ever happened between Athena and I by playing the “I don’t even fucking know you” game.

Athena was talking to her cute blonde friend in the dark alley between the garage and one of my cabins. She was still visible to everyone at the bonfire but she signaled me very indiscreetly to go talk to her without anyone at the bonfire noticing her. I got out of my cozy campfire chair and passed the guitar that I was playing over to Max. I guess I didn’t realize how blatant my move from the chair to the alley where Athena was at the time…probably because I was wasted.


Athena: Hey, are you ok with this?

Hef: Of course, why do you ask?

Athena: You’ve been ignoring me all night.

Hef: ya, cuz max is here and I don’t want him to find out about us.

Athena: You mean you don’t want to try again?


I stopped peering around the corner every other word to see if max was looking. I actually stopped moving and looked Athena right in the eyes. Her bright blue eyes were the only thing that I could see in that dark alley with the help of the moon’s reflection. She had lust in her eyes. The same lust that I had in my eyes when I accidentally took a Viagra thinking it was Aleve. I kissed her and fondled her body right in front of her friend. I couldn’t help it, I was dialed into her tractor beam. That body, those eyes; I was helpless against her greek goddess power. I pushed her off of me like a bitch, it took every ounce of bro-code respect that I could muster up.

Hef: Dude, Max is going to find out.

Athena: Exactly so why hide it?

It finally occurred to me in my fragile, drunken little mind what she was attempting here. She likes to cause drama. It had just become apparent to me.

Hef: You brazen little tart! You want Max to find out don’t you?

Athena: I just think that keeping secrets is fun….if you’re a spy.


She had a point.


Hef: Well, max is my friend and I respect him. The last thing in the world I want to do is hurt his feelings.

Athena: Ok, I didn’t realize how good of friends you were with him, but im still not into him. Im into you!

Hef: Trust me, you don’t want to be into me. I whispered ( I started peering around the corner again to see if Max was looking)

Athena: Why not? (at this point I was cornered by Athena and her cute blonde friend and a strange silence came over the air)

Hef: Because, Athena; I will treat you like shit for as long as our short soiree will allow me to have sex with you “with as little effort as possible”. (Yes I actually raised my hands in the air and made the quotation marks with my fingers.)


Athena looked at me in disbelief and raised an eyebrow.


Athena: “And….?”


I took a deep breath and allowed the truth serum to speak for me.


Hef: After I have come to the conclusion that you are “too easy” I will choose masturbating to internet porn over you anyways, and then I will inevitably write a story about you that I will post on the internet in hopes that someone will pick up my bevy of ridiculous stories and make me enough money to just travel around the world and whack off to internet porn all over the world.


Athena: So, I’ll call you tomorrow?

Hef: yaaaaa, (Mummble mumble *hangs head down) ya, I’ll talk to you tomorrow (mumble mumble. Hangs head down)


Athena proceeds to walk towards my living quarters and grabbed her underwear and sweatshirt. She pulled me aside one more time into the darkness and planted one last smooch on me before she took off with her cute blonde friend.

I took a mental analysis on what had just happened behind Max’s back. I felt guilty as I headed back to the bonfire where he was playing guitar in front of our other buddies and some girls. He is a relatively decent guitar player, so it was easy to just kick back and listen to him play. His motions and body language suggested that he had no idea what was going on with Athena and I. He was completely oblivious…..or so I thought.


I got to work the next day, and within the first few minutes I had been clocked in; Max quietly walked up beside me, made eye contact with me, and slowly said: “I know what you and “you know who” did last night and I’m not happy about it”. My heart stopped. He continued: “Don’t expect anything from me”.

Before I could even get a word in edgewise; he was gone. He had stormed off in an almost military style stride to the opposite end of the building. I could tell he was nervous about bringing up the subject. Dan, who was one of Max and my mutual friends was at the bar.


Hef: Dan, do you thing you might be able to go to the other end of the casino and find out what kind of Saber-toothed Crotch cricket crawled up Max’s ass for me?

Dan: Haha, no prob bro!


Dan came back a few minutes later laughing outloud. When he sat down at my bar again, he had a shit eating grin on his face that could have charmed satan.


Dan: Ummmm, apparently Athena left the same underwear on your floor that she left on Max’s floor like a month ago.

Hef: Haha, well shit I guess there isn’t really any recovering from that. I guess I have been caught red handed right?

Dan: Yeah, Max is pretty pissed.

Hef: Well, it looks like I need to give Max a tutorial on identifying perpetual skankdom.


Max didn’t want to hear what I had to say. It was very clear that he thought I was trying to move in on the girl he just got dumped by and it was a total slap in the face to him to hear me say how much Athena didn’t mean to me. I did what any good friend would do in this type of situation: I lied!


Hef: Look dude, I was trying my best to avoid the violation of the bro-code, unfortunately Athena’s vagina got in the way. We didn’t really have sex anyways, and I’m not interested in her.

Max: Oh? Then why were her panties on your floor?


I paused for a second….Why were her panties on the floor? She must have known something was missing when she put her pants back on. That little harlot must have planted the panties when I wasn’t looking during the bonfire….What an ass-basket!!!!!


Athena and I were still communicating via text during the whole ordeal, and we came to the conclusion that we should meet up at the bar after work and discuss what we would do about the situation.

Well, something very ironic happened that night. We met at the bar as planned. A bunch of my good friends were there pretty much talking me up to Athena before I had a chance to get there. No,No, No!!!!! This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen! I wanted her to realize that dating me was a bad idea so Max would be my bro again. Furthermore; I could live a free life without the Captain hunting me down or worse yet…..I actually get into a committed relationship with Athena. I wanted Athena to realize how much of a dirtbag I really am so she would lose interest in dating me. We locked into normal longwinded conversation about pretty much nothing. I figured we would get to the point and I would be on my way in a few moments…Then it happened.


“How bout a shot of tequila Hef?!?!” It was as if time slowed down and the words came out of the bar tenders mouth at half speed.


Oh shit! Its Mike, he knows my weakness. Don’t say it mike, don’t say it!!!!


Mike: On Me!




He poured us both a double shot of liquid bad decisions. We both cheerfully guzzled our shots and washed them down with the beers that Athena had bought us before I got there. My mind was swimming as Athena was starting to get touchy feely with me. We didn’t even touch the subject of “not seeing eachother for bro code’s sake”. Instead, we shared stories about food fights, and strippers.

We were laughing and touching and hugging and kissing…then Mike came by again. I tried to avoid eye contact and stay focused on the task at hand. It wasn’t working. Athena started taunting me with Viagra eyes and Mike caught me blind sided.


Mike: Can I buy you two another round Hef?!?


In my mind I was like “NOOOOOOOOOOO! MIKE!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! But what came out was something more like this…


Hef: Fuck yeeah!



He landed two more doubles in front of us and we pounded them faster than two shakes of a jackrabbit’s ass. That’s about when things started to get stupid again.


Hef: Well, I guess we better call it a night then!

Athena: What? I can’t drive anywhere, I’ve been drinking all day.

Hef: What? Really? How bout you take a drive with your Chevro-legs then?

Athena: Just take me to your place and I will sleep it off.

Hef: (*looks at bruises on arms) Bull-shiiiiit.


Against my better judgement I took Athena to my house. I played a little bit of guitar as she sat on my bed and beemed at me with her Viagra eyes. I tried to avoid eye contact and proceed to rawk out in hopes that she gets bored of it and starts to get tired. Instead of wearing her out, I wore myself out and fell into the same trap that I had fallen into before. Only this time I had a much different dysfunction.

I have always prided myself on my stamina and ability to last for ever when it comes to relations. For the most part my stamina was so good that I had prayed for a good dose of premature ejaculation just for some gaddd damned relief!! Well, all of a sudden after 14 years of flawless victories I experienced the one most common and most embarrassing of all sexual dysfunctions……3 times!!!!!


  1. During foreplay, she started to get rough again and….Splat, splat splat!!!!!!

  2. After 20 minutes of smooching and fondling she started to maneuver the condom onto my Johnson and….Splat, splat splat!!!! Again.

  3. We watched a movie and relaxed for a little bit. We smooched for a little bit during the ending credits. She gingerly put the last condom in the pack onto my crotchknob. Things were looking good this time. I didn’t have the urge to splooge at all. She got on top of me and straddled me with her beautiful greek goddess body. She was incredibly warm. Her perfect, supple tah tahs grazed my forehead and I felt her body heat as I entered her. She put her whole weight down and took the whole thing in. I could feel the moisture of her vahoo on my ballsack and then……Splat splat Splat Again!!!!! Fuck!!!!!!


I was Jim in American Pie….plus 1 splat splat splat.


Athena was on top of me and she immediately dismounted after the 3rd embarrassing early surprise. To be honest I was kind of proud of my ability to regenerate 3 times in an hour, but it served no amusement to Athena. She had her clothes back on faster than I could apologize. I was drunk, tired, embarrassed and after all of that Athena wanted me to take her back to her car.

For the next few days things were incredibly ackward. She told me that she had told the Captain about our brief soiree and told me that she was willing to keep my identity a secret from him as long as I could get it right the next time. I got one more chance to please Athena… if that wasn’t pressure enough, I was beginning to doubt myself, but I had a foolproof plan.


Sobriety, and Viagra!!


I invited Athena to watch waynes world with me at my friend Sid and his wife Andrea’s house. I had a little bit of back stock of Viagra from years ago when I dated that porn star chick. I knocked one down about half way through the movie. This garunteed that I would be in full force when it got to game time.

Everything was going as per the plan. Athena invited me to go to her house and go swimming in her parents indoor swimming pool. I was delighted for multiple reasons. 1) I hadn’t showered in like a week because of all of the construction and extra hours I was putting in at the casino… I didn’t have a shower yet.

2) I had never actually had sex in a swimming pool before….but I had always wanted to.

3) When we were done…there would be no need for any messy clean up.


Knowing everything that was at stake, and knowing that I only got one chance to get this right, I took a second Viagra pill on the drive to her house. My vision was starting to get blurry from the first one that I had taken an hour or so prior so I knew that when we started getting down to business, there was no chance of disappointment. I had experimented with Viagra before and only once had I taken a full pill…and that was an accident. I had accidentally mistaken the little blue pill for an Aleve pill during a visit from my hot friend Nikki from Arizona. It was probably the best mistake I had ever made. Unfortunately this time there was a lot more at stake.

  1. First and foremost; My dignity! I had failed to perform adequately twice now (technically 4 times) If I didn’t get it right this time I may end up facing psychological sexual issues in the future….that terrified me, my manhood has several good years left in him. He is too young to die, or be sick!

  2. Captain K was a big concern now. Apparently he had just bought Athena tickets for some celebrity golf tournament in Florida and Athena would certainly spill the beans then if she doesn’t before.

  3. I actually really wanted to have sex with Athena….duh, she is wicked hot!


We got to her parents house, and she kept assuring me that her parents wouldn’t even know that we were there. Apparently her dad was out of state and her mom was a heavy sleeper, and it was 3am. Athena gave me a quick tour of the house. She showed me her quaint and relatively plain, undecorated bedroom. Then she directed me to the pool room.

When she opened the door to the pool room it was like opening up the doors to willy wonka’s magical candy room where everything was edible. It was beautiful and warm. There was a hot tub on the left that poured hot water over the sides onto the surface of the beautifully crafted swimming pool. The room was only lit by the lights within the swimming pool. It actually felt very romantic. I felt very comfortable about what we were about to do.

I started to feel the effects from the Viagra kicking into my loins. My face was starting to turn red and my nose was starting to get stuffy (a couple of the standard side effects from Viagra) I was ready….i mean really really ready!

It was show time, and we wasted no time stripping down to our undies and jumping into the pool. We started making out and groping each other. With out even thinking about the possibility of things not working this time around, before I had even made up my mind about whether or not we were going to go through with this successfully. It was then that my unit made the decision for me. This was going to be the most effortless, and awesome sexual experience that I had encountered since being in a real relationship with a girl that I was actually attracted to. I had her pinned on the underwater stair case, I could have broken bricks with my manhood at this point. It was one time in my life that I was convinced that my penis was actually the strongest muscle on my body…..hell it was probably the strongest bone in my body at that point.

Athena pulled her head away from mine and looked me straight in the eyes. She was giving me the ultimate Viagra eyes, and for the first time since we met I was giving them right back to her….literally! Athena started to scramble through her pants pockets for a few seconds as I was ravaging her body. She then proceeded to exclaim the worst 5 words that she could have said at that point. “I….don’t….have….a…..condom!”


MOTHER>>>>>FUCKER!!!!!!! REALLY!?!?!?



Athena:Well, what should we do?

Hef: ummmmm….it?

Athena and I came to the conclusion that it had been long enough since our last successful sexual encounter. We were going to do it anyways. We had both had recent std checks and both of us were clean. It really wasn’t much of a conversation really. We had come to the conclusion that we were both clean as we were doing it. We did it all over the pool room. The stairs, the hot tub, the sauna, the bare cement…etc We had successfully recreated the first 9 chapters of the kama sutra in less than a half hour. It was amazing!! After I blew a 10 round solute all over Athena, my member stayed hard….like really hard. My face and eyes were bright red, and even though I was fully erect I opted out of going in for round 2. We just swam around the pool for a good 30 minutes smooching and caressing…I guess it was no wonder the little bastard wouldn’t go down….i mean fuck! Look at this girl!! I wasn’t worried at that point, I was actually pretty proud and Athena was probably pretty flattered.

I made a slightly awkward exit from Athena’s house. It was more like bolting out of the house and blazing the trails to my house so I could find a means to get this fucker back to normal. I tried everything that I could to return to my regular unflattering flaccid state. I squeezed off a round to some internet porn that wasn’t even exciting…I tried ice, standing outside in the cold….nothing seemed to work.

I remembered a Viagra commercial that said “if you experience an erection lasting more than 4 hours, call your doctor”. Well, as the 4th hour was approaching I realized that it was 6am and my doctor wouldn’t be in for another 2 hours. I looked online for possible remedies but there were none. The only directions that any website gave me were to call my doctor.

Gad damn it!


I ended up finding the number for the hospital 30 miles away. I explained my embarrassing situation and they dispatched an ambulance to my house. Everything would have been fine if the ambulance lights didn’t wake up the whole damned neighborhood. I had a hell of a time coming up with some bullshit story as to why the ambulance showed up at my house that morning and I got in.

When I got in the ambulance, my heart was racing and I was no longer in control. I was scared stupid. The E.M.T. had me sit down on the chair on the side of the gurney. I was starting to develop chest pains to match the pain that was developing in my junk. Was I seriously about to die by boner? What a horrifically awesome way to die!!!

The E.M.T. injected me with a sedative…which was about 30 seconds before I realized that I had a bad reaction to needles. I had something called Vasovagal response. I sort of blacked out but according to the E.M.T., I turned ghost white, barely had a pulse and started sweating profusely. It was like having a gun put to my head and coping with the fact that my head was going to be blown off in one second. You don’t really get time to be scared. You just die.


Elaborate on needle reaction****



By the time I woke up, all of the weird, scary and gross medical procedures had already taken place. Apparently when I was unconscious they performed a procedure called shunting, where they pushed a surgical needle into my erect member and sucked out the trapped blood. I was heavily sedated and I was in a hospital bed. The elongated eggplant that was my penis was now a sore, bruised, angry, flaccid chunk of well beaten tube steak. I wasn’t even embarrassed at this point. I was happy to be alive. Granted; death by boner was always in my “top 3 most awesome ways to die” following directly behind 1) A 4 on 1 celebrity Jello-wrestling death match with Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Jennifer Connelly, and crossfit sensation: Julie Foucher (to deal the final blow) or 2) Massive cocaine overdose while releasing multiple orgasms on Scarlett Johansson’s face while getting a scalp massage from 1998 Pamela Anderson with her perfect fake 1998 titties pressed up against my back, while simultaneously getting a sloppy lubed up foot massage from multi-gazillionaire-supersnatch Paris Hilton after I played barefoot soccer at a busy inner city dog park.


I left the hospital late morning with a pocket full of Vicodin samplers and a stretchy band aid on my fireman. My buddy Jake picked me up and I made up some story about throwing my back out (to explain the limping without giving the actual reason that I had been hospitalized). I spent the next three or four days religiously applying Neosporin to the hole that the shunt had created. Getting a boner actually scared me for like a week.


Bad Date # 99



I went right back to work and muscled through the limping until it didn’t hurt any more. I have noticed in the past that once you have really good sex with a girl (more often than not) they somehow automatically assume that it means that you are in a relationship with them. Athena was no different. However, no matter how much fun our little pool room rendezvous was; I was still recovering from both a shunt wound on my pecker and a broken nose that was finally starting to look and feel better. This girl was dangerous and I knew it was in my best interest to stay away from her. However, the more I tried to avoid her the more she would chase me. She latched onto me like a fly on a turd in the snow.

Every time I went to work she was instantly flirting with me. Like she completely forgot that she was on the clock. She would actually stop what she was doing and sit at the bar I was bar tending at and just flirt with me until our shift was over. It didn’t help that we had the exact same schedule. The part that pissed me off about this whole ordeal was the fact that every conversation we had involved the captain one way or another. That being said, I was sort of forced into some kind of pseudo-relationship with Athena. I knew that I couldn’t wedge my way out of this one by simply saying “I don’t want to date you”. This was not an option.


  1. She had the Captain at her fingertips…literally (he could be at the Casino within 2 hours)

  2. She is indeed Bat-shit crazy and might try to break my nose again….or something else.


One thing remained constant; I had to get out of this situation. I felt like a prisoner locked in a prison cell of lust. At first I tried to make her lose interest by telling her embarrassing stories and things that I thought might gross her out of having romantic interest in me. I started out with some of my embarrassing date stories that were kind of gross and eluded to the fact that I am a douchebag when it comes to relationships. Athena found it endearing that I was open about being a total piece of shit as a boyfriend. I told her about my dysfunctional family and all of the problems that I had inherited that would inevitably be passed down to my kin. (thinking this would push her away from wanting to procreate with me in the future) Nope, she found early baldness, vertical impairment, underdeveloped tear ducts, and gapped teeth cute. I even tried to make up gross things like Crohns Disease where you shit uncontrollably.

Athena got on this tangent about inviting me over to her house for a rendezvous almost every night. I was so close to a full recovery on everything that happened on our last rendezvous that I politely declined with reason every time. My excuses were always quite valid even though they were always a lie. “Sorry, sweetheart my family is in town for the next few days and I never get to see them” (my family lives less than an hour away and I see them all the time). “Oh, I totally would but I have a Dr. appointment early in the morning”. (In three weeks)

One night she caught me offgaurd. She wasn’t on the schedule to work with me that night but switched shifts with one of the other cocktail waitresses so she could get the same schedule as mine. Yes, I was flattered and yes Athena is smoking hot and I should be thankful that such a gorgeous girl is going this far out of her way to get with me, but the fact remains the same. When we get together I get hurt….bad.

Athena blindsided me as I was pouring a beer for a customer.


Athena: Hey stud, Wanna come over and do sex to my body

Hef: uh, ya! Duh!


This abrupt conversation was within earshot of one of my guy friends that knew my reputation and I didn’t want to let him down. He is shy and inexperienced and claims to live vicariously through me, and I know if I were living vicariously through somebody else; I would never live it down if the dude threw away a perfectly good vagina.

Did I want to “do sex to her body”? ummmm….fuck yeah! Did I want to make sure it was the last time so I could get on with my life in a Captain free world? Double fuck ya!!! How do you suppose I would kill two birds with one stone in this situation? The answer was so simple yet so complicated to execute.

The first time we actually got busy, I spoiled the fuck out of her. I must have spent half of the night with my tongue inserted half way into her love muffin and didn’t give a shit about getting my rocks off. As a dude, if you have a girl spend a whole night slobbin your nobbin you would be stupid to ever consider letting her out of your sight for even a minute. I sort of understood her demeanor now. At this point, it was clear that I not only needed to retract my sexual prowess and reverse it, but I needed to make our next sexual experience so bad that she would no longer have interest in pursuing me.

One positive side to Athena’s sexual habits was that she actually liked the art of felatio. She took great pride in her knob slobbing abillities. She was even more fun to watch than she was to feel. She treated a blowjob like it was a high school sport, and she was destined to be the varsity captain. I know what any guy would think while reading this: “Dude, this chick sounds perfect…what are you doin?” Well, my theory goes as follows; yes, it is rare to find a girl that actually likes to give a blowjob. But it is impossible to find a girl that actually likes to give a blowjob that isn’t crazier than a rabid squirrel in heat, or sluttier than a 10 cent donkey show whore. Plus, this girl is threatening me with a celebrity beat down. It doesn’t exactly scream “girlfriend material” to me.


Athena: If you come over tonight, I got you something yummy and delicious.

Hef: Oh yeah? What’s her name?

Athena: Haha! That would mean I got US something yummy and delicious.

Hef: Ho hum. Actually, it would mean you got something yummy and delicious for ME when you THOUGHT that you got something yummy and delicious for US.

Athena: So, you are coming over?

Hef: As long as you don’t expect me to cuddle or call.

Athena: Deal!


This was going to be epic. I had gone into a solid combo platter of DGAF and Hef mode. This night was going to go down in the history books. Most of the time when something diabolical goes down, it happens without warning or planning. Tonight however; I had some time to stew over the possibilities. I had already come to the conclusion that I wanted nothing to do with Athena in a relationship status kind of way. Now, the only thing that lingered on my mind was the captain and to be totally frank I didn’t have anything to worry about. The dude is pushing 60. He isn’t one of the grunts on the boat deck lifting and busting ass. He is the lazy fuck in the Captain’s chair hitting the auto pilot button and trying to figure out where he left his beer. All of the anxiety of being confronted by the captain had just flown out the window, but I wasn’t going to let Athena know.

For those of you who have read any of my life experiences probably knows that in a pinch I can come up with some pretty diabolical and pretty disgusting ways to creatively entertain myself and revolt others. Tonight however; I surpassed anything that even I could have dreamed of. Even I look back at this situation and say to myself…”Dude, you are one sick fuck!”

Athena and I got to her house and went straight to her room as we undressed each other. She went straight for my junk. She wasted no time trying to swallow my one eyed monster. I had a 3 day buildup with a target in mind. She was working me like a pro and brought me right up to the edge.


Athena: I want you to ravage me.

Hef: Grunt* ok. Keep going for a minute.

Athena: mrrrphhh, you better nrrrrffftt cum too soon. Grrrgle grrgle.


I played it off for a few more seconds as if I was just getting ready to fuck her brains out. Emitting things like “gawd, I am going to just destroy you”. I took a half a step back as if I was preparing to fuck her. Instead: “Hold still” I spouted.


She had a confused look on her face as I started to quickly jerk off. “What are you doing?” she muttered. By the time she figured out what I had been planning to do, I had shot off the first round, right between her eyes.


Athena: Uch!!! What the fuck!!!! You motherfucker!!!!


She had covered her eyes with one hand and put the other out in front of her like a quarterback trying to run in a touchdown. The last couple of blasts of knuckle children covered her hair, her face, her hands/ arms, but nothing was as gratifying as the first blast that hit her right between the eyes blinding her instantly with my non-dairy creamer.

By the time I was done she was already trying to blindly find the bedrail so she could balance herself up to get the fuck out of the line of fire, but it was too late. There were enough knuckle children on her face hair and clothes to repopulate Africa…twice.

I saw her struggling to get to her feet so like a gentleman, I tried to help her up but she just swatted my hand away.


Athena: I cant even fucking believe you just did that!

Hef: I can!!! That was awesome!!! Did you see that???!!! (intentionally being a dick)

Athena: I can’t see anything you fucking dick!!!


I led her to the kitchen as I was trying to explain that it was just an accident (it wasn’t just an accident) On the way there, my stomach started to gurgle. I was releasing a series of single beat farts with every step. You know the ones that feel like someone is giving you a gentle little pat on the butthole. Its usually a pre-emptive to a serious shit. It seems to me when big farts happen it clears up way too much space in your guts to allow a monster shit to fit in there. This was without a doubt a monster shit.

Athena was bitching me out the whole time I was escorting her to the kitchen. I was starting to get mad and the fact that I had a shit on deck that would have sank the titanic if it hadn’t already sank, didn’t help.

Athena assumed the position over the kitchen sink and started splashing water into her eyes and rubbing them with a dish towel. I needed to buy some time so I could evacuate my bowels in her latrine and have enough time to bask in my glory. I knew this was going to be the toilet bowl apocalypse of mother turds. She put her dish towel down and splashed more water in her eyes. I poured a couple caps full of soap onto the dish towel as she was faced away and rubbing her eyes.….because I am fucking evil when im mad. I took a couple of steps back as she picked up the dish towel and unknowingly rubbed a shitload of soap right into her cummy eyes.




Athena went back to the sink and furiously started rubbing water onto her eyes. I actually kinda felt bad for a second…then that second passed.


Hef: Whats wrong sweetheart?

Athena: Someone spilled a fuckton of soap on the dishrag. I rubbed it right into my eyes god damn it!!!!


I was at phase 2 of destroying Athena’s image of me. It was time to finish this off with a bang!


I had this quick memory of a dude that dated my sister a few years prior. I thought he was a pretty cool dude, and frankly I had a lot in common with him. Shit I would have dated him too. My sister seemed to really like this guy, and seemed really happy. One day, he just stopped hanging out. My sister wouldn’t give me a straight answer as to why they broke up until about 4 years later.


Hef: Hey Katie; what ever happened to that guy Chris that you used to date. He seemed like a cool guy.

Katie: oh yeah! He was a cool guy.

Hef: So, what happened? Why did you guys break up?

Katie: This is gonna sound really bad, don’t judge me.

Hef: ok, shoot.

Katie: Ok, well one time I went into chris’s bathroom and apparently Chris forgot to flush (Katie cringed and shuttered as she finished her sentence)

Hef: So what? Are you a Turd-A-Phobe?

Katie: No, it wasn’t that.

Hef: So what was the big deal?

Katie: There wasn’t any toilet paper in the toilet with it.

Hef: Ewwwwwwwww!!! I would have broken up with him too!!! Nothing kills the mood more than knowing your significant other has permanent mud-butt.


That whole conversation exited my mind as quickly as it entered, like a 1980’s sitcom flashback. It was then that the most diabolical of nasty horrible ideas entered my mind. I knew what I had to do, but it wasn’t going to be easy. I was going to have to get drunk first. Athena used to always brag about having a bottle of Patron Tequila chilling in her fridge at all times. I gingerly tiptoed to the fridge as Athena continued to cry angrily at the situation. I opened the door like a ninja in the dark and pulled out her half full bottle of patron Reposado (the light gold one). I found a half full bottle of Hawaiian punch from the condiment rack in the fridge and took both of the tops off. I took a solid pull off of the patron while looking straight at Athena with her back turned towards me. I was peering over my shoulder but not missing a beat or spilling a drop as I poured the contents of the Patron bottle into the half full bottle of Hawaiian punch. I chased down my shot of Patron with an extremely potent swig of “Mexican Punch”. Then, I chugged down one more doube gulp of the demon brew as I set down the empty patron bottle. The shit I had built up was aching for me to lose some pressure from down below, and frankly at this time I had to pee something fierce, but I wanted to wait for the booze to kick in before I do the horrible things that I was about to do to Athena’s bathroom. It hadn’t even dawned on me that the tequila that I was drinking was the exact same color as piss. Without a second thought, my zipper was down and I was unloading into the empty bottle of Patron like a Los Angeles county fire truck. ( Yes, I like to pee in people’s drinks when they make me mad. “If you piss on me, I will piss in you”)

Athena was far too involved in her eye rinse and bitching me out to pay any attention to what I was doing on the other side of the kitchen. I didn’t really even have to sneak around, it was just fun. I snuck the Patron bottle full of piss back into the fridge and strolled over to Athena to play off the sympathetic card. I jumped up onto the counter and sat down.


Hef: Are you ok? Should I call an ambulance?

Athena: no its just soap but it stings like a mother fucker.

Hef: ok, I will be right back

Athena: whatever.


I felt a fantastic yet slightly painful fart brewing in my lower abdomen, but did not want Athena to be within ear shot of my butthole. I dismounted the counter I was sitting on, while clenching my butt cheeks together as I hit the ground to avoid any fart from slipping out. I stood right behind her while she was hunched over, and stood butt to butt with her as I pulled my right butt cheek to the side with my hand to avoid noise and then proceeded to unleash the final fart that my body would allow before it turned to poo. It then occurred to me what kind of fart I had just let loose. Athena had been officially crop dusted, and although I felt some sort of twisted accomplishment, I reminisced on the food intake I had that day to better grasp what kind of fury I had just rectally unleashed. Bean and cheese burrito for lunch, giant pancake, egg and sausage breakfast for dinner. This was not going to be good for anybody.


I started to day dream. I envisioned a silent invisible apocalypse slowly plaguing everything across the kitchen and into the living room. My imagination was running wild. I was watching the paint on the walls curl up in small folds like scales, then falling onto the floor revealing the drywall that was behind it. As the plague’s quickly spreading death radius continued around the room, plants were dying and drying up as if they had just been set fire by some invisible flame. The blinds that were down over the window started to curl up and fell into the sink. The lights flickered on and off as some unknown buzzing sound grew louder and louder, then the lights went off. Boom!!!

I opened my eyes and everything was right back to normal. Unfortunately now everything within a 15 foot radius smelled like someone was cooking a big fat sack of assholes over a brimstone barbecue.

The poop I had on deck was mean. It was giving me sharp pains like I was in labor with a cactus baby and the contractions had started to become increasingly more intense and the intervals were getting longer with fewer breaks between them . It was heavy too, like I had a half bag of cement mixing in my large intestines and it was getting ready to fill some potholes.

Two things occurred to me at this point.

  1. This was going to be astronomically stinky

  2. I had spent too much time dilly dallying and it was now serious. This was going to be a photo finish.


I hauled ass to the bathroom. I could smell the rancid fart that I had let loose on Athena follow me the whole time. As I was speed skating with my socks on the hardwood floor to the bathroom, Athena hollered something at me but I was too focused on the task at hand to focus on the words she was bellowing at me. I opened the door to the bathroom in the hallway, locked the door behind me. I ran to the sink and turned the faucet up as far as it would go to drown out the cement work I was about to do on her toilet.

I had my pants down around my ankles and proceeded to mount the porcelain horse. Then a loud knock on the door knocked the first turd right out of me and into the toilet. I clenched for dear life to avoid a second one so I could hear what Athena’s big emergency was.


Athena: I hope you are just washing your hands, the toilet doesn’t work.


Oh fuck really?


Hef: yeah just washing my hands!


I sort of had a jolt of panic hit me. How was I going to get out of this one? I stood up and clenched my sphincter for dear life. I turned around and stared the toilet down like I was dirty Harry. The little mini turd that I had left in the toilet bowl would be an easy one to dispose of, but how was I going to get rid of the rest of my truckload of freshly cut timber.


Athena: By the way, the captain just texted me from town and he is on his way over to pick me up in 15 minutes. You should probably get going.

Hef: Grunt* yup! Be right oooout!



Just what I needed; The mother fucking Captain coming over.


I continued to scour the room for any sort of receptacle to hide the evidence in. My first thought was the trash can. (Ya, the trash can…then I will just hide the trash can under the sink.) Then I realized how horrifyingly stinky it would be. My second thought was the shower (yeah, I will just shit over the top of the drain hole and turn the water on so I can turn it into a soupy substance and mash it down the drain) Really dude? That’s the best I can think of? Come on, man. You pride yourself on your ability to get out of sticky situations with a bang…think, think!!


The 6 plus shots of Patron started to kick in. My face was turning bright red as I was feeling the bevy of bad decision juice ideas flow to my intoxicated mind. Then it happened. It always happens when I don’t think so hard. The alcohol numbed my brain enough to just run off of the subconscious bad decisions part of my brain.


I took the top off of the toilet and exposed the inner workings of the toilet. There was water in there, and enough room to fit a whole truck load of turds in it. I was saved.

I took a couple of swigs off of the Mexican punch and waddled to the toilet with my pants around my ankles. I put the seat down and sat right down on the top of the toilet as I proceeded to give birth to my food baby. I named it Lebron. Because Lebron James is the shit!

As it turns out the maneuver that I pulled off is not an original. It’s called “Upper Decker” and apparently when you flush, all of the shit from the upper deck just fills up your toilet bowl.


I turned the sink off, after I put the seat back up. Chugged some more of my Mexican Punch as I was pulling my pants back up. I was wasted at this point, it hadn’t even really occurred to me how much time I had spent in the bathroom until there was another knock on the door.


Athena: Dude, the captain is here. Just stay in the bathroom and lock it until he leaves.


Really? That could be hours. What the fuck?


The bathroom smelled like someone had tried to reenact the Nazi gas chambers from the holocaust with fart bombs. The bathroom was attached to her little brother’s room and I knew they definitely wouldn’t go in there so I vacated the bathroom and went to her brother’s room. His room was a lot more fun than hers. He actually had a tv and a dvd player. I figured if the captain came into the room for some reason, I could just pretend to be Athena’s brother. Problem solved.


I heard the front door open from the bathroom, I could hear the Captain’s voice and I recognized it from tv. My heart stopped for a second, but I didn’t think I had anything to fear. Athena never told him about me. I drunkenly rummaged through Athena’s brothers room and found some dvds to watch until the captain was gone.


I heard athena’s door open, right next to the room I was in. I was sandwiched between the shit box and the captain. I was trapped. I could only hear the muffled rumble of voices….mostly the captain. His deep beastly voice reminded me of John Wayne, if John Wayne was a heavy smoker and weighed 300lbs.

I flipped on the tv and popped in some Jean Claude Van Damme movie from the 80’s and chillaxed on the bed. I didn’t have a care in the world as long as I didn’t have to go into the bathroom for the next 20 minutes. Jean Claude was always a childhood fave, so I really didn’t mind the time out. Well, until I started to hear athena’s bed frame knocking on my wall. Seriously? Athena? While I am still in the house?


I was piping mad now. Trapped in a room while I was forced to hear Athena fuck this old fart? This was war!!!! I was wasted and lost all sense of rational thought. I guzzled the rest of the Mexican punch and turned the volume of the movie up to earbleed level. I then started rummaging through all of Athena’s brother’s drawers, hoping to find something to tinker with. I pulled open his nightstand drawer….condoms? Expired. Time to make some balloon animals. I blew up 4 or 5 of them and twisted them together like I knew what I was doing…it ended up just looking like a big white pile of turds. What else is in here…oooh! Pill bottle! 4 Percocet, my favorite! And a half bottle of jack daniels. Wow, I am starting to like this guy for leaving me all of these presents.


I washed down the 4 percocet with a solid double gulp of the jack daniels. I almost barfed them right back up. I kept digging through the drawers and came across a family photo. Ewwwwwww, jeeeezussss! Athena was definitely an ugly duckling. She was almost unrecognizeably hideous. I hit the jack daniels one more time as I was studying the photo. Oh fuck, I am going to puke. Noooooooo, I just ate those percocets…they are going to go to waste. Unless, my drunken mind was getting irrational and my subconscious was taking over.

I had a plan. I was going to barf on the shower floor which was dark brown tile, so I can easily find them. Then I will just wash em off and take em again. I trotted to the door of the bathroom, opened it and the most horrifying smell that could have possibly emitted from hell hit my nose like a blow torch. I felt like I had singed my nose hairs with the stench. I didn’t even really get a chance to figure out which direction it was going to fly. I vomited uncontrollably towards the bathroom floor, in the general direction of the shower. It was dark, so all I could hear was the sound of my vomiting bouncing off of the bathroom walls. I flipped the lights on to find all 4 of the pills congealed together in a small pile that seemed to have bounced out of the chunky puddle of vomit in front of my feet and left them stranded on the shower floor like the school pansy at football picks in elementary school. My original thought was that I was going to chuke them up on the shower floor and wash them off. Unfortunately they were more liquid than solid and they happened to have landed directly on the shower drain. With every second that passed, I was losing more and more of my precious Percocet yogurt. I was sure that I didn’t feel the urge to puke again so I raced up and into the shower, got on my hands and knees, and sucked the Percocet right off of the top of the shower drain like some god damned barbarian. Funny how a little bit of tequila and some jack daniels will knock the germaphobe right out of your brain.

I stood up and staggered forward. Percocet and muscle relaxers tend to make me black out really easily when I am drunk. This was no different. The last thing I remember was going back to athena’s brother’s room and dancing by myself to some Micheal Jackson cd that I found on his shelf. I was simultaneously taking small pulls off of the jack daniels bottle. Then…..I woke up.


I woke up at home. I was safe, but I was in my driveway, in my car and the car was still running. I could hear the faint sound of birds chirping all around me. I knew it was really early morning because the sun was that dark orange color with a red tint to it, and it was colder than Lorena Bobbit outside. My head was pounding, my entire body was sore. I slept in a stupidly awkward position and had no recollection of how I got home. I stumbled to the front door of my little cell. I dropped the keys on the stairs and just stared at them for a minute. I didn’t even have the energy to pick them up. I just stood there staring. I decided to say fuckit and walked around to the back of the house. Grabbed a lawn chair and fell asleep. I woke up 4 hours later to the sound of my crappy cell phone ringing. I didn’t even look at it. I didn’t want to be bothered. I stumbled around for a few minutes and eventually mustered up the energy to bend down and get my keys. I walked in my door and eyed down my weed pipe. Yes it was necessary to get high to tolerate the hangover. I got rip roaring high and flipped on the tv. Turned on some stupid movie and all of sudden little chunks of the night started coming back to me. I started flipping through my phone and that’s when I saw these:





The funny thing was that I had expected Athena to call or text me all pissed off but instead there was nothing. Not just lack of phone calls or text but literally nothing. I never heard from her again. She quit the casino over the phone apparently while she was in Florida, and that was the last I ever heard of Athena. So apparently these are the kind of measures that you need to take to get rid of some crazy girl. Seems a little extreme, but……fuck it whatever.



Burrito crayon and the black out photo album.